Reenactments are a great place to see uniforms & equipment up close and talk to reenactors about how items were used during the war. There are a lot of great events throughout the country, below are ones we’ve been to or are planning on attending.

The Mid-Atlantic Air Museum in Reading, PA holds the Reading WWII Airshow / Weekend each year during the first weekend in June to commemorate D-Day. This is a massive 3-day event that includes everything WWII. There are thousands of reenactors that set up well organized camps across the fields that include allied and axis participants. The main hanger hosts WWII veterans and showcases some spectacular collections. The Airshow portion of the show includes all types of WWII planes from trainers to fighters to bombers…including the last flying B-29s in the world (Doc & Fifi). There are Tanks, Jeeps, Trucks, vintage cars and even a fabricated WWII village that the Germans occupy until the Allies liberate the town in the afternoon. Check the schedules and plan ahead! The flame thrower demonstration is one-of-a-kind! There is a huge flea market area where you can buy souvenirs as well as actual military items from WWII! If you go to only one show this year…this should be the one!

The New Garden Airshow is an annual Airshow held in the summer at the New Garden Airfield in Toughkenemon, PA. Since covid, it has been a 1-day show held in the evening, but there have been talks to bring back the 2-day weekend event. It includes a nighttime show with drones and fireworks. It’s truly a great time for kids and adults. There are food vendors and opportunities to purchase tickets to fly in some of the planes.

The EBT Goes to WAR. is a new show for us in Rockhill, PA. It is held in May and includes Civil War, WWI & WWII Reenactors as well as a functioning steam locomotive train where you can purchase tickets for a 1-hour ride. Our first year there included a lot of rain, but it was a great event and we plan to make it an annual event for Stahlhelms. Click on the link for more info and directions.

MA & PA Railroad WWII Encampment. The CA & PA Railroad located in Pennsylvania hosts a WWII Encampment in August each year. This event will be new to us in 2025, but we’ve heard great things about it and can’t wait to take part in their event. They also hold a WWI event in May that we may attend, but not set up at. Their facility looks amazing and they seem to have a lot of great events throughout the year.

Trains & Troops is usually the weekend before Veteran’s Day and is held at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania. This year it will be held November 4th & 5th. It is a salute to veterans of all time periods. We usually take our WWII Jeep and the Mini Jeep along w/ a display of WWII artifacts. There is always a great assortment of displays and lots to see. If you’ve never been to the Museum, this would be a good weekend to give it a try, it is a hidden gem in Lancaster. If you like trains, the Strasburg Railroad is right across the street and they offer steam engine rides through Lancaster County.
This year we plan to display WWI items from the Hans Munnich Collection and items from SSGT Shelby Spradlin of the 17th & 82nd Airborne during WWII.